To combat money laundering and terrorism, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FIN-CEN) is now requiring businesses report (within 15 days of receiving the cash), the receipt of $10,000 in cash from customers in the conduct of Trade or Business. This regulation took effect on January 1, 2024. What is
Read more →Starting January 1, 2024, a significant number of businesses will be required to comply with the Corporate Transparency Act (“CTA”). The CTA was enacted into law as part of the National Defense Act for Fiscal Year 2021. The CTA requires the disclosure of the beneficial ownership information
Read more →Imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery, but when scammers pose as the IRS it means trouble for taxpayers. Identity thieves may contact taxpayers through fraudulent calls, emails, texts or social media messages pretending to be the IRS. Here are tips to help taxpayers know when
Read more →Business travel can be costly. Hotel bills, airfare or train tickets, cab fare, public transportation – it can all add up fast. The good news is business travelers may be able off-set some of those cost by claiming business travel deductions when they file their taxes. Here
Read more →Announcement 2022-13 advises that the Internal Revenue Service is revising the optional standard mileage rates that were provided in Notice 2022-3, 2022-2 I.R.B. 308, for substantiating the costs of operating an automobile for business, medical or moving purposes. Beginning July 1, 2022, the rates are 62.5 cents
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